Yet another cuteness-overflowing treatment for cats video of a cat therapist treating his ´catient´ (cat patient) …
Does anybody else believe that the cat giving the massage knows exactly what it´s doing and that there´s a purpose behind this treatment?
I´ve heard of a woman who helped people with a complementary therapy in her own home. She laid the visitor on a massage couch and waited for her cat to jump onto it, search for a place to lie on the person and when she sat down the owner knew where she had to treat the client. The cat instictively knew where the patient´s aliment resided and showed her human where to look for the issue.
Funny enough, my cat Mango lay on my chest with his paws on my throat one morning when I woke up with a painful throat and swollen glands. He does like to lay on my chest but he never actually had put his paws on my neck before… I thanked him for the ‘treatment’ because even if he wasn’t healing me on purpose, it did feel like a nice and loving act… AND my throat was less painful in the end 🙂
(Sorry for the bad quality of the picture!)